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Life, The Universe, and Everything Else
My name is Brian Madican and this site contains my meditations on various subjects. Meditations sounds rather grand, but they are simply the topics that I have read and thought about. I could just as easily have named it Things to think about. An ex-work associate of mine suggested I call it "Madican's Maditations".
The subjects vary from trade union history, to holidays, to life, the Universe and everything else; all topics which have interested me down the years. As you can see, there is no overall pattern except they are all related to things that have inspired me.
Asked how he would like to be remembered, Tony Benn answered: "I would be very pleased when I die if somebody put on a stone: 'Tony Benn – he encouraged us'."
I would be very pleased if these articles encouraged you to look a bit more deeply into the subjects that have inspired and encouraged me or the subjects that inspire you. And most importantly, don’t take my word for anything – think for yourself.
One of the funniest films I have ever seen – and not just because it is named after me – is Monty Python’s Life of Brian. The unwitting messiah Brian is trying to get rid of his followers. 'Look', he says, 'you've got it all wrong. You don't need to follow me. You don't need to follow anybody! You've got to think for yourselves. You're all individuals!' His followers agree 'Yes, we're all individuals'. Brian perserveres, 'you're all different'. Once again, his followers echo 'Yes, we are all different!' All that is apart from the one at the back who calls out 'I'm not!'.
Trust in yourself, your own critical faculties and your own powers of rationality and boldly go where others may not have been before.
Brian Madican

"Veni, Vidi, Vestry" Me as Claudius teaching children about ancient Rome (and my cat Spartapus) at the Vestry House museum, Walthamstow.