What has UNITE ever done for us?
March 2020
How have members gained by being in Unite?
Unite is a campaigning union. It negotiates for better terms and conditions for its members and supports those members when, as a last resort, they might vote to take industrial action. Unite has 1000s of local reps who negotiate for improvements in their workplaces. These reps are helped and advised by Unite’s Full-time Officers. Unite has also built up a strike fund of many millions of £s which is used to help its members during industrial action.
Below are some of Unite’s successes from this year 2020 alone.
Feb 2020 Liverpool warehouse workers employed by retailer TJ Morris (Home Bargains) received an inflation busting pay increase of 15 % and improved working conditions.
Feb 2020 – The eight-month Bromley library dispute ended with a deal guaranteeing no compulsory redundancies, new posts and pay arrears.
Feb 2020 - Unite signed a bumper pay deal with Ryanair. This included a 9.5% increase for customer service supervisors (CSS) and 11% for junior CSS’s.
Jan 2020 – A victory was gained by Council tax staff in Newham in a grading dispute. They obtained a backdated increase in their grading scale plus a significant lump sum.
Jan 2020 - M25 maintenance workers secured a 3.2% pay rise plus £250 per worker to resolve their dispute.
The Unite Legal Department
In 2019, over £200 million was awarded to our members as a result of successful litigation. This ranged from personal injuries right up to “class” action cases undertaken on behalf of groups of members. Unite and its lawyers worked to gain the right and proper verdicts for these members.
The range of legal services is extensive and can help you at work and home. At work, you are automatically covered for accidents, industrial diseases and injuries from road traffic. Unite also provides a legal helpline for non-work related issues too such as a free will service, low-cost conveyancing and other services to help members and their families.
Unite’s position on various issues
Criticism of UK government austerity measures In June 2011, Unite publicly criticised the serving coalition (Tory and Lib Dems) government for a number of cuts in public services. These had caused cuts to the National Health Service (NHS). Ron Singer, a retired GP of 30 years and Unite member, claimed that there were "serious concerns" over the future of the NHS.
In February 2013, Unite was among other organisations and individuals who gave their support to the People’s Assembly in a letter published by The Guardian newspaper. Representing Unite, Len McCluskey also gave a speech at the People's Assembly Conference held at Westminster Central Hall on 22 June 2013, which was attended by many Unite delegates and representatives.
The Labour Party Unite has a formal role in the Labour Party at every level – from Unite branch delegates attending local Labour Party meetings and leading campaigns, to the union’s national affiliation and places on the Labour’s National Executive Committee. Unite continues to support the Labour Party and its political programme to end austerity.
Criticism of Israel In July 2014, Unite described Israel as "an apartheid state" and called for "sanctions against Israel for its continued illegal occupation, flouting of international law, and construction of an apartheid regime."
Abortion Unite supports Abortion Rights which campaigns "to defend and extend women's rights and access to safe, legal abortion".
Unite and other trade unions are a force for good in society.
No other organisations on earth have done more to bring about a fairer and more equitable deal for ordinary working people than trade unions, but don’t just take my word for it.
Brian Madican
March 2020